Thursday, December 6, 2007

{Reason for the Season}

Alright, I started out enjoying a perfectly good day and then I read a little blog of 2 of my peeps ( and it really got me thinking and not that I haven't always agreed with them , but it really made me angry that people/businesses are saying "happy holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. This country has gotten so PC, we seem to be pleasing the minority of people at the expense of the majority, it is out of control and WE need to make some changes. How to do that is the question, gripping about it won't change anything. Finding Christ centered decorations is slim to none amongst the Santa's and snowmen, reindeer and wreaths. It is so easy for all of us to get caught up in the excitement of the presents and cookies and surprises that come along with the season that every year the birth of Christ just gets pushed farther and farther into the back of our minds and we find ourselves saying to our kids, "oh yeah, by the way kids, Christmas is about the birth of Christ too" just so that we can say that we didn't forget about the real reason and we don't feel like crappy parents. What kind of parents are we becoming? What are we teaching the future generations? I think that Jesus wants us to have a good time, he loves to see us graciously and unselfishly giving presents and finding joy in it. He wants us to gather and have fellowship and spend time and having bonding moments and create special memories with family and friends. I believe that He wishes all of those things for us because He loves us, but I also think that it hurts Him to see how we have so easily forgotten the real reason that we celebrate Christmas, we have come to his Party and haven't acknowledged Him. We have literally taken an imaginary character (Santa) and put him on this pedestal and for all intensive purposes, he is idolized. Not in the sense that he is worshiped, but we have such tunnel vision that we have forgotten what is real and true. My blogging peeps have said that it makes them angry that Christ is being taken out of Christmas, that those that don't want to acknowledge Him still want to celebrate Christmas (and still call it that). I say that we, as Christians, have to accept some personal responsibility for what has happened in this country. We let it happen, we didn't fight back when it started to happen, we didn't demand that Merry Christmas continue, we didn't make a bigger deal about the birth of Christ, we didn't show up in huge droves at the movie about the birth of Christ last year (but I guarantee that we all went to the latest and greatest Santa movie and this year who is running out to buy the DVD about the birth of Christ? No, we are buying Santa Claus 3 and Christmas with the Kranks), we aren't showing the world that we are out there and we aren't going to take it. What do we do to show the world that we are angry Americans that want to take Christmas back? We are now talking amongst ourselves, we are blogging about it, we are correcting the Wal Mart employee with a Merry Christmas instead of returning a Happy Holiday. Boy, we ARE rebels!!


gottablogmom said...

I agree, we have strained the gnats and swallowed the camels so to speak.
We have sat back for years while our country has systematically attempted to remove all reference to God from our country and instead of blogging about it we should get out there and do something. Put up or shut up so to speak....

gottablogmom said...

Sorry if the last comment sounded like I was mad at your post. I was not. I totally agree with what you wrote. I guess my frustration at the situation came through in my comments.