Quality time with our favorite "Q" crew was on tap for this AM! The Q's were headed back to Virginia from a week of the Land of Mouse. Yes, they braved a week of Disney for Christmas. Some said they were insane! They may now agree, they're being checked into an insane asylumn as soon as they return to the "tax me state". (Just kidding!!) It was so great to see them, they jumped off the highway and had brunch with us at our local Cracker Barrel and we had a really good time and very unrushed. We had fun reminiscing about the week that our two families vacationed in the Land of Mouse together, before they moved to California and we had a blast, even though poor Karen was sick the whole week. I miss having Karen and the boys right down the street like we did in Virginia, it was the closest thing to having family "right around the corner" that I have had since being married. Enjoy the pix of this crazy crew of Q's and Mo's. On a more serious note: a friend of ours that is the same age as Lex, Amanda, had a heart transplant when she was 3 years old and has been relatively healthy with the occassional issue that happens with immune suppressed transplant patients. She is now a teen, but was admitted to CHKD hospital and has been diagnosed with a disorder that has basically been caused by her anti-rejection & immune suppressent medication. She has been running a fever for several weeks and has a inflamed spleen and swollen lymph nodes in many places in her body. The only way to counteract this is to lower the dosage of her anti-rejection & immune suppresent meds which is a balancing act, but it has to be done and it is something that has to be done for the rest of her life. I ask for prayer for Amanda and her family as the doctors try to heal her and figure out how to best proceed and keep her healthy. Thank you...........
2021 Reading
3 years ago
Amanda will be in my prayers and I will ask my church to pray for her as well.
Happy you had a short visit with your friends...CB is usually were we meet up with our passing friends too!! Did you check out the sales on the Christmas decor? Cute stuff!
I was at Scrappy H today and walked in right when you were on the phone with the guy working there. I bought $20 worth of paper, which I am sure I will go through like in an hour (knowing me?) LOL Anywwhooo, I have only $5left to spend on my rewards card...so I guess I will need some advice on what is good to get? If you get a day next week, let me know. I would love to run over and get some supplies. Gillian is going to Tennis camp with Levi Vonk (Teen tennis pro) 2,3,4th. He is only charging $50 so if you would like your kids to go to Tennis camp, let me know, I can give you his #. I know he is looking for T campers!
I hope you told those crazy Q's to get back home safely! We need them here for a jammie party on New Year's eve (or jommie as Scrappy D calls them). Wish you guys had jumped right in the back of the Q-mobile and came on with them. Guess that didnt work though, huh? Have a Happy New Year!!!
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